LongTailPro Features – Get the Facts Here!!!

Longtail Pro Keyword
  • Name: Long Tail Pro
  • Website: LongTailPro.com
  • Type: Keyword Research Tool
  • Creator: Spencer Haws
  • Price: Three Plans; $25.90/month, $46.90/month, and $102.90/month Only Available Here!!!

Reasons Why You Need A Keyword Research Tool

One of the main difficulties faced by internet marketers, bloggers and affiliates is to identify the keyword that is most profitable with the least competition.  A keyword is basically what people type in the search engines. For example; you might have a problem with your weight and you go to google.com and type “how to lose weight”. The words in quotes are generally what is considered the keyword. There are millions of bloggers that write on that particular keyword and, there is a lot of competition.

Google will obviously rank, the blog which has the greatest quality, unique and engaging content. That is the principal reason why you need a keyword tool that can provide you with the most profitable keyword with Less competition. If you are new to the internet world and you want to make money online then click here to read my article on how to make money online.

In this article, you will learn about one of the best keyword research tool which is LongTail Pro, its features, pricing and why you need it in your business.

What is Long Tail Pro?

Before explaining the various features of Longtail Pro, it is important we discuss what Longtail pro is all about.

Longtail Pro is a keyword tool that allows you to do a detailed keyword search by identifying the profitability of the keyword and its competition.

It provides you with the exact search volume data, as well as the industry-leading keyword competitiveness metric. You get to search for specific keywords and you are offered with hundreds of suggestions.

It allows you to generate more than 800 keywords using the data from the Google Keyword tool. Longtail Pro was created by Spencer Haws.

The Person behind Longtail Pro

Spencer Haws

Spencer Haws is the person who found Longtail Pro. He founded the Keyword Search tool in 2011. Spencer was very frustrated in his early years of marketing because he had to find relevant keywords that had less competition and would easily convert. Because of this need, he decided to create his own software (Keyword Tool) that could enable internet marketers find high keywords and the most profitable ones, to serve the needs of their audience. He is the owner of several niche websites such as  Niche Pursuits.

 LongTail Pro Features

  • Enables you to find profitable keywords
  • Score Keyword Competitiveness determines the difficulty of ranking under different keywords in the top 10 Google results.
  • Custom Difficulty Target: Add your domain to discover the level keyword difficulty you should be targeting.
  • Determine metrics: Helps you to determine your domain strength, page strengths, indexed URLs, number of links and site pages
  • Calculates Keyword profitability based on your site.
  • Sort and Track niches.
  • Filter keyword results by CPC, local searches, Advertiser competition, number of words and keyword competitiveness.
  • Free access to Long Tail Boot-camp

Longtail Pro Features


Pricing of Long Tail Pro

Longtail Pro Pricing

These are the various pricing plans offered by Longtail Pro. Choose the one you can afford but remember that you are building an internet business here.

It is easy to come across these free tools but the difficulty with them is that you don’t know your exact competition. You might write an article which never gets ranked because of the wrong choice of keywords. That is why, I always advise to get a keyword tool that can help you and it will be less stressful.

Who is Longtail Pro for?

The good thing about Longtail Pro is that it enables you to get ahead of your competitors and you can use it on any platform:

  • Kindle Publishers

Knowing the keyword with the highest profitability and lower competition is something that every eBook writer is searching for and Longtail Pro provides you with this information.

  • Website owners that focus on content marketing
  • Bloggers looking for the most profitable keywords with less competition.
  • Any internet marketer who uses SEO as his main source of traffic needs Longtail Pro to determine the best Keyword to get ranked under Google fast.

How to find keywords with Longtail Pro

The video below will show you how to find low competition keywords in Long Tail Pro, using Keyword Competitiveness, Target KC, and in-depth competition analysis.

Why you need it in your business

Keywords are one of the main reasons why other internet marketers succeed while others seem to fail. With a keyword search tool, you get to be ahead of competition and see if its profitable.

A lot of marketers focus so much on the bigger keywords forgetting that there are a lot of keywords that are highly profitable and there is less competition for those type of keywords. And it is only possible to know with the help of a keyword tool.

The Keyword Competitiveness Score that Longtail Pro provides is one of the best in the industry. It lets you know which keywords you should target first.

It inputs a list of keywords and gets data on competition Cost Per Click, local/global monthly searches and the number of words.

This is by far the best keyword so far and Spencer goes to the extent of providing training to its members. You have Free Access to Longtail Bootcamp.

 My Final verdict

Yes, I recommend LongTail PLongtail Pro Legitro to anyone who is looking forward to run a blog. If you are a kindle publisher, content marketer or you own a website that focuses on product reviews. Then definitely, this keyword tool will provide you with the best keyword searches.


4 thoughts on “LongTailPro Features – Get the Facts Here!!!

  1. Hi Rinelle, I am relatively new to internet marketing but am already learning the importance of keyword research, especially to find ones with low competition, and having a really good keyword research tool like this is absolutely essential.
    I will definitely be bookmarking this for the future, thank you for this great information.

  2. When it comes to getting consistent traffic to SEO keyword research really is the key. Finding low competition high in demand keywords is essential. There are so many keyword research tools out there that a complete beginner can get overwhelmed. Personally I prefer using Jaaxy.

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