How To Turn Your Passion into an Online Business

Finding Your Purpose

There are many ways you could turn your passion into a thriving business. We all know of musicians and soccer players who turned what they loved into a thriving business. May be you are a housewife and you have given up on searching for job. I am here to share with you some of the ways through which you can turn your passion into a thriving business.

My little story about my passion

When I was in secondary school, my best subject was history. I loved HISTORY so much that my teacher told me one day; “In my absence you can teach the class”. The passion I had when explaining the course to people. I would clearly explain the course to my mates and they would understand.

At University level, I had mates who will seat in class and tell me; “Rinelle, I am not attentive because I know when the teacher will finish to lecture, I will come and meet you. Those teachers make things so complicated for us”

I don’t know what I did or how I did it but people loved hearing me explain them lecture courses they didn’t understand

When Paul and I started MLM, Paul was not too of a spokesman. He will hold my bag and I will be the one to present in front of the client. One day, after prospecting a client, he gave us $10 because I presented well. That is how I got to know that I have a passion for talking. And as years went by i started figuring out ways to comment my message and help people to start their online business. Paul and i we started organizing seminars. Below are some of the pictures of our events.

My seminar

Moreover,  every time I would talk to myself. I figured out a way of transmitting my message to people by writing and I also discovered how easy it was for me to just write.

Gradually, I enjoyed what I did and I decided to come up with a website, where I will help people to start from scratch and and earn a living online. We have helped more than a 100 people start a home-based business. We also created our own digital products.  In 2017, when there was a golden rush for cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoins, a lot of people lost money. Faced with these we created a course explaining people the secrets behind cryptocurrencies and how not to loose your money into bitcoins. All of these is explained in Masters in Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoins.

What I want to highlight here, is that if you are passionate about anything you can start making money. You can turn your passion into a thriving business.

How to identify your passion

Basically, passion is something you love doing. You love working at it with all your heart. Identifying, your passion might be easy for some and difficult for others but I will tell you how to identify your passion.

  • You could start by asking yourself, what is it you love? What are you passionate about? Hey guys, you must be passionate about something. You are unique in your own genre, OK?? So just go ahead and ask yourself what you love.
  • The next question is; what are you comfortable doing? For you to be good at something, you have to get comfortable with it. You could be comfortable playing basketball, singing or dancing. Probably you are comfortable cooking.
  • The next thing and the most important question you must ask yourself is; Is my passion something I could turn into a profitable business ? You could have a passion for something which is not profitable. This is where the question of interest comes in. May be you are passionate about something that is not lucrative, you can do something else that brings in money but maintain your passion. Click Here to read our article on how to Find Your Life’s Purpose, this will help you.

How to turn your passion into an online business

Create a Blog

One of the things, you could do is to create a blog revolving around your passion. This is the best thing to do. You could write articles every week about your passion. Let’s say you are passionate about helping people to lose weight, you could create a blog where you put on information on how to lose weight. Share it on social media to get traffic to your blog. Build your brand and one of the first things to do is to purchase a domain name and web hosting. We recommend you get one at Bluehost because they are reliable, moreover, they have a good customer service.

Start your own YouTube channel.

If you are somebody who is passionate about singing or talking you could start-up your own YouTube, where you get to upload your songs and videos. With time you will build a huge following making more money. This is something, you can do to turn your passion into a thriving business.

Offer your services.

Offering your services is a good way for you to turn your passion into a thriving business. Let’s say you love information technology and you know how to develop or design websites. You could offer your services to companies and create websites for them. This could be a huge way of earning money. People earn close to 7 figure incomes by offering their services to people.

Create a product:

If for instance you are good at body building. A good way to turn that into a profitable business is by creating a product that can help people. Most people do that, and they earn good money. The product could be a video, a PDF. File, a book etc.. All what you need to do is, to connect the target market to your product and make money.

Promote a product within your niche:

May be coming up with a product is very stressful, time consuming and costly. Another thing to do is to identify a program that can be of help to your niche. For example, Paul and I are passionate about helping people to start from scratch and earn a living online. To this effect we promote products that we see can help our audience. It is very easy to promote a product. All you have to do is to sign-up either to an affiliate program or to an affiliate network. Then you choose a program and there you go.

Quite a lot has been said in this section and you may be confused on how to set up a business surrounding your passion. If you are facing an issue with that, don’t worry. When Paul and I got started online we had no clue on how to go about starting an online business.

In an attempt not to get discouraged we joined a training program and a community, where we learnt how to build a business around our passion. And this community is Wealthy Affiliate. Click here to read my full review on Wealthy Affiliate and how it can help you to turn your passion into a thriving business. Below are some of the things people are saying about Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate Positive FeedbackWealthy Affiliate Positive Feedback


Every human being has something unique, and special, there is abundance in the universe for everyone. All you need to do is to identify, something you love and turn it into a thriving business. Connect it to the target market and make some money. We hope that this article could be of help for you. Please leave your thoughts or comments below and let’s get to share ideas.

2 thoughts on “How To Turn Your Passion into an Online Business

  1. Hi Rinelle, what a perfect call-out for following your passion. At times an online business or being an affiliate marketeer can be frustrating. Not every month will show thriving results. And if we lack passion it will be really difficult to continue on our path. On continue we must. Consistency is the only way to get us where we want to be.
    Thanks for an inspirational article.

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