Finding Your Life’s Purpose


There comes a time in a human being’s life when he or she starts asking him/herself the reason for his/her presence on earth. Everyone starts asking him/her about the purpose of life and the reason for being here on earth. Successful people fulfill their life’s purpose that is why they are successful. Steve Job’s life’s purpose was to revolutionize the Information Technology sector by creating the very first Personal Computer (Apple’s Macintosh).

As from today if you want to be successful start by finding your life’s purpose. In order find your life’s purpose find the answers to the following five questions;

  • WHO AM I? ( Question of Identity)

This is a question of identity. This question goes beyond the simple fact of  belonging to a tribe, a family, a community. This question is about your personality, characteristics and uniqueness.

  • WHERE AM I FROM? (Question of heritage/source)

Ask yourself where you are from. Ask yourself which family, tribe, people, and community you come from and which heritage you got from them.

  • WHY AM I HERE? ( Question of Purpose)

If you want to know the reason why you are here on earth get into deep prayer and meditation. Go on a spiritual retreat. For Christians; fast, pray and ask God for your life’s purpose. Do it for at least one week. For Non-Christians; go to a faraway place and meditate. Practice yoga

Finding Your Purpose

  • WHAT CAN I DO? ( Question of Potential)

Find what you are good at. Know what you like to do. Find what moves you, what motivates you. In fact find what you are passionate about.

  • WHERE AM I GOING? ( Question of goals)

After finding your life’s purpose, you have to draw a road map that will lead you to the fulfillment of this purpose. This road map are the goals you set. Set goals either daily, monthly or yearly that will lead you to the accomplishment of your vision. You must know where you are going in order to reach your destination.

We hope this article will be of help to you. Drop a comment below to tell us how it helped you. Remember, your success is our happiness and helping you is our passion.

Lots of love

Rinelle & Paul

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