Is ClickFunnels Legit??? Read this before buying!!!

  • Name: Clickfunnels
  • Website:
  • Founders: Russel Brunson
  • Field: Internet Marketing/Sales Funnels
  • Overall ranking: 98/100

An Overview of Clickfunnels

Hey there! What sup?? hope all is well. Today I will be sharing a very important article revolving around a popular program called Click funnels. In this review you will know get to know if clickfunnels is legit and what you should consider before buying the program.

Click funnels is basically a software that helps you to create high and converting sales funnel. It was founded by Russell Brunson.

Now you might be asking yourself;

What is a sales funnel?

The answer to it, is quite simple a sales funnel is a process that a customer passes through when purchasing a product. Yea, I know it is pretty difficult to understand. I will explain further.

Whenever I go to the market to buy groceries like tomatoes, the sales woman asks me if I will take some green spices. If I accept, she might propose me some other vegetable or foodstuff. Basically, what she is doing is proposing me more products in order to increase her sales and revenue.

OK!!! let’s get back to the marketing context. Here is how it goes: you go to a website and after reading the content, a message pops-up like “Get the best recipes for cooking tomato stew with beef” or “ get the secret ingredients that I used to generate 6 to 7-figure income”.

The message is really captivating. You sign-up and the first message you receive is your free gift. You go through the book and you gain a lot. The sender keeps on sharing some valuable content with you for certain N° of days and may be on the 10th day, he proposes you an offer. If you accept it, he proposes you something expensive. If you don’t accept it, he might reduce the price.

This process basically distinguishes between real time prospects and potential clients. That is basically what a sales funnel is.

What does it add to the marketer?

He makes more profit. Imagine a customer who successfully buys all the high ticket products. That’s a lot of money coming in.

A sales funnel is good for product creators. Now that you have understood the process of a sales funnel. Let me dive into the software that will help you create these kinds of sales funnel.

Click Funnels and the person behind it

Russell Brunson is considered today as one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the internet marketing space. When he started out, he faced a lot of difficulties promoting his products  because he had to buy an autoresponder, domain hosting, landing page software, a split testing software and all these was really stressful not just because of the time it took to connect everything together.

So, he figured out that, if he could create something better that integrates everything needed to have a sales funnel, it could him and many internet marketers.

This brings us to Click Funnels. It is basically a program that helps you create sales funnels. Russell is also the author of  Expert Secrets which sold over 30,000 copies. He has featured on Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, the Huffington Post, CNBC and the Profit.

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What you get inside Click funnels

When you get Click funnels, the first thing they offer is a 4-Video Series. A tutorial showing you around and helping you to better use the software.

  • A walk through step on how to create your first funnel.
  • Opt-in page, Upsells, down sell, cross pages and Thank you pages.
  • It also offers an autoresponder for growing your leads.
  • Website Hosting
  • A/B Split testing
  • Conversion Tracking and Stats
  • Affiliate program creator
  • Themes and Templates
  • Training and Support and so much more.

The Pricing

There are basically two types of membership;

  • The Basic membership for $97/month and,
  • The Premium membership for $297/month

Obviously the one for $297/month has more features. Let’s take a look at what you get with each membership;

  1. The Basic Membership($97/month) :
  • Landing page software
  • Email autoresponder
  • 20 sales Funnels
  • 100 pages
  • 20,000 visitors
  • Website hosting
  1. The Premium Membership($297/month) :
  • Unlimited funnels, pages and visitors
  • Actionetics: Their built-in email service provider.
  • Backpack which allows you to create your own affiliate program

You also get a 14 days free-trial period where you get to see the inside of Click Funnels, what it entails and so on. You could test it for the 14 days and see if its good for you.

Who is Click Funnels for?

Any marketer looking forward to increase his sales. This will help the marketers to do some sort of screening in their business. You will create high converting landing pages which we get more visitors and with days you will build a relationship to distinguish between the passer-by and the potential customers.

Click Funnels is for anybody who is serious about creating a sales funnel. It is true the go through all the training required to use click funnels but you will have to put in some effort


This program is for internet marketers who are tired of buying one and the same program with no results. Ok, let’s do some math here: if you were to get, an autoresponder, a landing page software, a split testing software, webhosting. It will cost thousands of dollars. You will have to incur a loss first and you are not even sure you will make profits. Huh !scary right. That’s where Click Funnels come into play. It’s an all in one software

Advantages of Click Funnels

Click Funnels has a drag-and-drop builder. It helps you build all your pages with ease. All you have to do is drag-and-drop. You also get ready to use templates especially good ones, if you are not a designer and you got started.

It does not just offer an email service provider, it also integrates with the best email service providers. So you can use your own email provider inside Click Funnels.

Training and supportClick Funnels offers trainings on how to use the software. We all know the complexity of having to do things alone with no guide. Inside Click Funnels, you get the training needed to start building a sales funnel and the necessary support. They have a private community on Facebook, where you could easily get help from the members.

You don’t need to have a website. Having a website is not really a necessity as Click Funnels integrates everything.

They have an affiliate program that pay 40% of the monthly subscription for a customer you referred, recurring commissions. This is really a good way of increasing your income.

You can try their 14 days trial period and test it to see if it’s good for you.

Track your conversions shows you which of your pages are converting more than others.

What I didn’t like about this program

It’s quite expensive( $97/month to $297/month).But considering the value i got,it is worth it.

I was not happy with the fact that I had to enter my credit card details during the 14 days trial period. But however, if you don’t want to continue after the 14 days trial period, you can cancel the subscription.

Is Click Funnels worth it?

Definitely it is worth it and its one of the best tools you can use to create , high , converting and the profitable sales funnel. We strongly recommend Click Funnels

Let’s take a Recap

Basically, we shared with you the meaning of a sales funnel, why it is important for your business. The tool that can help you create a sales funnel faster and easier. The guy behind Click Funnels , the features you get inside Click Funnels; the advantages as well as the disadvantages of Click Funnels. Our final take on Click Funnels.


We hope this article was helpful to you. We wish you the best in creating high converting sales funnels and feel free to share your thoughts on ClickFunnels.

To your success


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