Self Help Books That Changed My Life – A Must Read!!!

Reading is not something I really loved as a kid. I probably didn’t even understand how people could get interested in reading pages upon pages of books. It was not something that captivated me. Until it came a time when I was faced with a lot of difficulties. I met this guy who came up to me in school and told me; the answer to every problem you face in life is found in the bible and in self-help books.

I recommend you to read; As a Man Thinketh I was very curious and there is this, phrase that goes: ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. I went to google it trying to look for a free PDF because I was broke and I did not have money. When I went through that book, my life really changed and I started being fond of reading self-help books. Below I will share the 5 books that really changed my life.

The Bible

Yeah, I used to pray, but I did not really read the bible to understand the concepts that it taught. The bible has the answer to all questions. My favorite quote is Joshua 1:8-9; “do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night; so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be tempted; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go ”

Any time I am down, I will read this bible verse and somehow, I will feel better after then. Another bible quote I love is Mark 11:22-25: “Have faith in God” Jesus answered. Just that opening phrase is enough. Successful wise men of the past all applied that phrase… And when they faced any difficulty, they had faith in God.

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“As a man thinketh,” by James Allen 

In this book, I really learned a lot about Mindset development most especially the subconscious mind. A man is really what he thinks. If you think you’re a failure or if you entertain thoughts of poverty, sooner or later you will be poor but if you think about riches, abundance, and prosperity, you will begin to attract riches into your life. Your thoughts determine your outcomes.

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“You were Born Rich,” by Bob Proctor 

Bob taught me the steps needed to be rich. The part I really mastered about this book is how to regard money. Bob explains that money is meant to be used and people are meant to be loved. The majority of those who accumulate good riches and wealth have learned how to love people and use money. He also reiterates the fact that money is important. Most people just think that money is not important and by so doing they are repelling money.

My favorite chapter was let go and let God: “If a man can let go and let God, have faith that whatever must happen for him to achieve his goal, will indeed occur all things become possible”.

“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

This is really a guide to be successful in any domain in life. Up to date I still read this book. I read it every day to get inspiration. My favorite part was the story of Henry Ford. How he accumulated riches by remaining determined. For you to achieve anything in life, you need to have a burning desire to succeed backed by a definite purpose and a definite plan executed in continuous action and persistence. You must believe in yourself and in your God-given abilities. Every morning, when I get up I will read this quote I learned from this book;

“ O Divine Providence, I ask not for more riches but for more wisdom with which to use and manage wisely the gift you gave me at birth which is in the form of the power to direct my mind to whatever end I desire” .

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“The Code of the Extraordinary Mind” by Vishen Likhiani 

This book made me understand some rules of society we have been conditioned to follow In this book , he says we have the power to achieve whatever we desire. Vishen really speaks on how to be happy and one of the ways he used to be constantly  happy was by practicing Gratitude.


For me personally, these books changed me from who I was to who I am now. Another thing that i would love to share with you is, while reading books, implement everything in it. Because you could read 5 books per day but if you do not take action all your efforts would have been in vain. Share your thoughts and comments on the books that really changed you as a person.

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